
What are some common terms used in energy healing?

Alternative Energy Healing Vocabulary

• Aura: The electromagnetic energy field surrounding the physical body that contains lots of information about that soul. The aura has a lot of different layers for each energy body (physical, etheric, emotional, mental, etc.) I usually work with around 32 levels of the aura although this may vary depending on the person I am working with.
• Chakras are energetic vortexes or centers of energy for each energy body. The physical body has seven major chakras and quite a few minor ones (examples: bottoms of feet, palms of hand, knees). Each energy body has a set of chakras and there is constant debate about how many energy bodies and chakras there are.
1st Chakra or Root Chakra governs grounding to earth.
2nd Chakra or Sacral Chakra govens creativity and sexuality.
3rd Chakra or Solar Plexus Chakra governs personal power and will.
4th Chakra or Heart Chakra governs love.
5th Chakra or Throat Chakra governs communication.
6th Chakra or Third Eye governs intuition and psychic gifts.
7th Chakra or Crown Chakra governs connection to Spirit and to the Creator.
• DNA - especially the master DNA cell located in the pineal gland.
• Etheric means "not of the physical plane of experience." Etheric energies operate at frequencies above the physical, third dimensional level. Some examples of etheric energies are: the subtle energy bodies, auras, meridians, Earth ley lines, Reiki, etc.
• Karma – The reason why we incarnate over and over again. Karma is sort of how the law of cause and effect keeps score.
• Meridians: Channels of energy throughout the body. There are 14 major energy meridians in the physical body. The two most important being the governor and conception channels. Some alternative energy healing modalities I work with believe there are up to 72 meridians(and I get there really are many more than that).
• Reiki – A word that means life force energy but also probably the most common form of energy healing in the world right now. There are many forms of Reiki with Usui being the primary form and the basis for many of the variations of Reiki.
• Reincarnation: The idea that we each have many past lives and we incarnate over and over again to learn how to unconditionally love ourselves and others.
• Subtle bodies are the non-physical energy fields surrounding the physical body where all of our physical etheric patterning, emotional patterning, mental behavior, thoughts and memories, belief structures and programs are located. These are called in many traditions the etheric body, emotional or astral body, mental body, etc.
• Vertebrae and the spinal column. If I am working on a person with physical problems, there is almost always a blockage in the vertabrae of the spine. The central nervous system is very important for all forms of alternative energy healing and most bodywork modalities as well.

Energy Healing Frequently Asked Questions

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How do I balance my emotions and feelings?

How do I balance my thoughts and mind?

How do I balance my soul and spirit?

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How can I work with my DNA?

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I was told by a psychic that my ex is in my aura and he constantly thinks of me. She also said by him being in my aura is detering the one from entering my life. Is that true?

how do we ask the angels 2 grant us what we want from them?

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