Read these 14 Energy Healing and the Angels Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Energy Healing tips and hundreds of other topics.
Angels are a class of Divine beings who reside within the heavenly realms and have the ability to observe and assist humans. All human cultures have stories of angels. These loving beings stand ready to assist us, but must be asked for help, except in dire life-and-death circumstances. Angels can guide us toward the best path to solve our problems, and can occasionally grant blessings, but it should be understood that they expect human beings to help themselves, too. They can assist us, but we are responsible for our own life circumstances.
To contact the angelic realm, simply sit quietly and relax. Clear your mind and know that you are safe and that the angels are near. When your mind is calm, ask that the angels assist you with your problems. Invite them into your life to guide you toward the best possible solutions for your challenges, and thank them for their willingness to assist.
Remember that it isn't polite to require an angel to prove his/her existence to you. Simply asking for assistance in good faith will bring about the help that you need, so long as you are willing to help yourself, too. Send your blessings to the angels for assistance that you receive. They give of themselves out of their love for humankind, and thanking them is important. This technique is simple but effective, and can invite many blessings into the lives of those who lovingly ask the angels for their help.
There are five Lightarian energy healing sessions involving the angelic kingdom. Archangel or St Raphael has stepped forward to support us with an infusion of angelic courage and divine healing. We call Archangel Raphael "the Illuminator," because he also provides a "Torch of Angelic Light" to help you "light your way" through life! With St Raphael's assistance via this Angel Link, you will be able to more effectively avoid the challenges and the hurdles...and also more clearly see the opportunities and spiritual rewards that lay ahead. As you better light your way into the future, a sense of divine, angelic courageous action will come more naturally to you. Archangel Raphael's Angel Link will also provide support for you in your healing process. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking the Saint Raphael to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel Gabriel also known as Saint Gabriel is helping humanity to anchor in the energy of the Harmony or White Ray. The primary focus of the Harmony Ray is on "trueness" in communication, harmony with Self and with all Beings, purity, perfection, and love. Also, this ray and St Gabriel the Archangel will assist you in developing and utilizing your intuitive ability more fully. The Harmony Ray will enhance your spiritual elevation and will assist you in the realization of your total potential. It will harmonize all necessary factors which will aid you in achieving your goals. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking the Archangel Gabriel to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel Zadkiel is helping humanity to anchor in the energy of the Purification or Violet Ray. The main focus of the Purification Ray is on forgiveness, purification, love, and transformation. From channeled notes, Archangel Zadkiel says, "the Violet Ray totally represents complete love for humanity. It will support on all levels of experiences. Most directly, it will offer guidance and assistance to all those who choose to practice forgiveness." It will play an important role in transformation from a lower to a higher divine level of consciousness. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking the archangel to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
There are five Lightarian energy healing sessions involving the angelic kingdom. Archangel Gabriel angel link focus is on joy and communications! Through this AngelLink, Saint Gabriel teaches us to take time to recognize and experience the existing joys that abound for us and to manifest new and Archangel Gabriel can help you to find what "makes your heart sing," and offers you inspiration and divine inner strength during times when there appears to be little to be joyful about. St Gabriel is also traditionally known as the great communicator for the Divine. So Archangel Gabriel is especially able to help you with inner communications for accessing your "knowing" and intuition, as well as provide practical support for effective communications in your outer, day-to-day life. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking Saint Gabriel to transmit this quality to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel Uriel or St Uriel is helping humanity to anchor the energy of the Compassion or Ruby Ray. The primary focus of the Compassion Ray is on spiritual service, love for others, peace and devotion. This spectacular ray will support a Being on an ongoing basis in the many twists and turns in their spiritual journey. From channeled notes, Archangel or Saint Uriel says, "in a very direct sense the Ruby Ray of Grace will support spiritual healers, teachers and everyone seeking truths or engaged in a Divine spiritual journey. For it is this love which serves humanity." Most emphatically, it will accentuate and radiate spiritual vitality to any Being who seeks its energizing love. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking Archangel Uriel to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel or St Raphael is helping humanity to anchor in the energy of the Healing or Emerald Ray. The primary focus of the Emerald Healing Ray is on healing, love, humility, flawlessness and purity of heart. Also, it will allow you to better focus on a particular activity to achieve a specific goal. It will heighten creative visualization allowing creative activity to work its way through you into true manifestation in your experiences. It will support you in seeking truth in all you do. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking Archangel Raphael to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel Chamuel is helping humanity to anchor in the energy of the Adoration or Pink Ray. The focus of the Adoration Ray is on love, compassion, gratitude and the goodness of life. It will work to help you in initiating new friendships and relationships, repairing strained relationships, generally in getting along with others, balancing current friendships and enhancing on a day-to-day basis interactions with those you come into contact with. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking the archangel to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
There are five Lightarian energy healing sessions involving the angelic kingdom. Archangel or St Uriel has stepped forward to provide us with an infusion of "angelic beauty" that will allow you to experience the "feminine side of beauty" through a heightened sense of appreciation and the masculine side of beauty through the stimulation of your talents for creative expression. Through this Angel Link connection, Saint Uriel can assist you by enhancing your abilities to express beauty in all that you think, say and do. Archangel Uriel can also help stimulate your creativity and inspiration for artistic expression in its many forms. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking Archangel Uriel to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Some of the most gifted energy healers are members of the angelic kingdom of consciousness. The angels, archangels and seraphim are playing a big role in personal and planetary ascension at this time. The angels are interacting more closely with humanity now than they ever have before. This is why there are so many books, television shows, movies, etc. about angels. Each angel, archangel and seraphim has a role to play in the ascension process and they are eager to assist with bringing in certain angelic energies, frequencies, vibrations and rays to the planet. Often you can connect with the angels, archangels and seraphim through your heart and ask them to assist you with energy healing or your world service. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel Jophiel is helping humanity to anchor in the energy of the Illumination or Yellow Ray. The focus of Jophiel's Illumination Ray is on the beauty within, the beauty in others and the beauty of life. It will work to guide you along your aspired spiritual path. Its Divine energy will help you to understand the Divine power of Light within yourself. And it will assist you in absorbing intricate information and in dealing with complex matters. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking the archangel to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
There are five Lightarian energy healing sessions involving the angelic kingdom. Focusing on the themes of non-judgment and successfully "navigating" within the etheric realms (for telepathy, channeling, conscious etheric travel, etc.), Archangel or St Michael is the first Archangel to step forward to offer his Angel Link. Similar to the igniting of the "angelic flame in the heart space" via the Rose Aura Angel Link, we have received a extraordinary vision for the Archangel Michael Angel Link. It is a symbolic representation of the purest energies of the crown chakra which Archangel Michael wishes to infuse into the energy fields of humans. The symbol to be used is the halo! In this case, it is an angelic halo of unique mental purity will facilitate the experience of non-judgment in all areas of your life. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking St Michael or Archangel Michael to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
Archangel Michael or Saint Michael the Archangel is helping humanity to anchor in the energy of the Protection or Blue Ray. The focus of Archangel Michael's Protection Ray is primarily on protection, love, faith, and motivation. From channeled notes taken, Archangel or St Michael says, "the fundamental mission of the Protection Ray is to offer Beings the protection of guided Light on their spiritual journey." It will increase your ability to face up to challenging dilemmas. It will guide you to reach a path of serenity. It will work with you to assist you so that your daily needs may be manifested. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking Archangel or Saint Michael to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
There are five Lightarian energy healing sessions involving the angelic kingdom. Long considered the highest level of the Angels, the Seraphim are now more available to assist us more strongly along our spiritual paths to higher service in the Light. A Seraph by the name of Rose Aura has stepped forward to spread the angelic quality of purest unconditional love to humanity. Via this Angel Link, an "angelic flame of unconditional love" will anchor into your heart space, fully radiate through your energy fields and then ripple out into all areas of your experience. Afterwards, Rose Aura will be working in your "etheric background" as an Angelic Guide to assist you in all matters related to the heart space...such as the expansion of unconditional love of self and others. Often you can receive most of this gift simply by asking Aura Rose to transmit it to you. The angels, archangels and seraphim honor your free will so you do have to ask for angelic assistance.
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