January 26, 2007, Newsletter Issue #56: About Bill Austin: Reiki Master & Distant Energy Healer

Tip of the Week

If I was reading these tips, I would want to know who you are and why you feel you can help me. So I am giving you a little more information about me and my path. I view myself as a spiritual healer and teacher. Although I am a Reiki Master energy healer in several traditions (Usui Reiki, Karuna Reiki, Ascension Reiki, Lightarian Reiki, Sekhem-Seichem-Reiki and Violet Flame Reiki), I am drawn more to distant energy healing than to hands on energy healing. What I really love about Reiki energy healing and symbols is that it helps me to connect more deeply to Unity Consciousness and helps me to become a purer and larger channel for divine energy healing energies. I am an instructor for two cutting edge alternative energy healing modalities (Serenity Vibration Healing and Lightarian Energy Work). I have studied and worked with numerous other alternative energy healing modalities (Yuen Method, DNA Possiblities, Theta Healing, etc.). My favorite alternative energy healing sessions oddly enough are the angelic activations I do and I have never received any formal energy healing training whatsoever in this work. Of course the angelic energy healers have been training me for years but I do not have a certificate from them yet. I have been transmitting distant energy healing frequencies and spiritual initiations to clients for over four years. I have had the pleasure of helping hundreds of clients from around the world to release negative energy patterns so that they may realize more of their full potential. Many of my clients are alternative energy healers who are trying to get as clear as possible so that they can channel more healing energy and be able to assist more people. The most important areas to clear are your chakras, DNA, aura layers, energy bodies, meridians, vertebrae, etc. Releasing karma and contracts that are no longer aligned with your highest good is also important. My most popular alternative energy healing sessions are the Serenity Healing clearing and shielding sessions, The Lightarian Rays and Clearing program sessions, dissolving dysfunctional beliefs, embodying divinity, DNA reprogramming and the 12 essential programs.

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