May 25, 2007, Newsletter Issue #73: Benefits from the Lightarian Clearing Program:

Tip of the Week

The Lightarian Clearing Program is a 6 step program that initiates a very thorough clearing, releasing and healing of negativity on all levels. Some of the many benefits include:
• The highest expression of your Divine Self powerfully comes forth as enhanced clearing stimulates the healing of all your chakras, aura layers and energy bodies (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, etc.)
• You begin to live with more conscious choice and operate less from "automatic" behavior patterns, addictions, doubts, fears and pain!
• Higher vibration energies can flow more freely into your energy fields, allowing your aura, chakras and energy bodies to "anchor in more Light!"
• Gifts and talents that were dormant may start to surface and your ability to create joy, clarity and abundance in your life will be expanded!

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