May 9, 2008, Newsletter Issue #122: Honor your time and energy!

Tip of the Week

The greatest gift God gives us is time. What you do with that gift is up to you but if you spend your time doing things or hanging out with people that drag down your energy this will eventually manifest in the physical body as an ache, pain, disease, discomfort or stress. Become aware of what you FEEL when you are doing things throughout the day or when you are around people. Begin to notice what events make you happy and energized and which ones make you feel down and depressed. Then begin to shift so that you do more of the upbeat things and less of the downer things. Notice which people in your life energize you and which ones deplete you. Then spend more time with the people you receive the most energy time and less time with the people who bring you down. Place a yellow sticky note on your television and telephone answering machine that says “Is this the most valuable use of my time and energy?” I am constantly amazed at how many people spend hours watching the news programs on TV. They get totally agitated and imbalanced and often there is nothing they can do to alter it so this energy becomes stuck and cannot be released and crystallizes into physical discomfort.

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