
What are the 12 essential programs?

About the 12 Essential Program Alternative Energy Healing Sessions

These powerful alternative energy healing sessions are inspired by multidimensional ascension artist,Bryan De Flores, who has downloaded and begun to teach people that each human being has twelve essential programs that come in at birth. These programs are anchored by the soul into the central column (base of spine to crown of head). These twelve essential programs are governed by the Higher Self and help you to run the entire human body system. Often these programs get corrupted or worse deleted from incidents that occur on earth and this handicaps our ability to live, feel and experience life from our Higher Self. When I first learned about these programs and began to work with them, five of them were not installed and three of the installed ones were functioning at less than 30%. I noticed an immediate difference as soon as I re-installed the missing ones and upgraded the remaining ones. The twelve essential programs are: Body Maintenance/Orientation; Communications; Intuition/Divine Guidance; Magical Skills/Creativity; Soul Contract/Divine Plan; Personal Database; Upgrades, Corrections and Automatic Override; Protection and Filter System Scanner; Planetary Orientation; Manifestation; Dream Recall and Akashic Records. For more information about these alternative energy healing sessions, check out my web site!

Energy Healing Frequently Asked Questions

What is the source of energy healing?

How does distant energy healing work?

What causes pain, disease and imbalances?

Who is responsible for my health and well-being?

How do I honor my time and energy?

How can I clear negative thoughts?

How do I change myself and release bad habits?

How can I connect with my inner healer?

How can I easily ground myself?

What are the best ways to integrate energy healing?

How do I balance my body, feelings, thoughts and soul?

How do I balance my emotions and feelings?

How do I balance my thoughts and mind?

How do I balance my soul and spirit?

Are you ready to give up drama?

How can I stay focused on what is important?

Who am I? What am I meant to do?

How can I work with my sub-personality?

What happens energetically when I complain?

How can I raise my personal energy level?

How should I choose my friends and sexual partners?

Why shouldnīt I take on other peopleīs problems?

Why donīt I like certain people?

What is Myers Briggs and why is it important?

How can I work with my DNA?

Why should I forgive people who mistreated me?

What is the relationship between forgiveness and health?

What is the relationship between forgiveness and karma?

What is Serenity Vibration Healing?

What are the Lightarian Energy Technologies?

What is forgiveness technique 1?

What is forgiveness technique #2?

Can you give me a real life example of how you forgave others?

What happens in a dissolving dysfunctional beliefs session?

What is an embodying divinity energy healing session?

What are the 12 essential programs?

What is a DNA reprogramming session?

How can I work with the healing angels?

How can I work with Archangel Gabriel?

What is the harmony ray?

How can I work with Archangel Michael?

What is the protection ray?

How can I work with Archangel Raphael

What is the healing ray?

How can I work with Archangel Uriel?

What is the compassion ray?

How can I work with the angel of unconditional love?

How does DNA impact healing?

Can God recalibrate my DNA?

Do the Indigo and crystalline children have different DNA?

Why is the master cell important for DNA energy healing?

How can I work with the deva of DNA?

How can I activate my DNA at birth?

How does Serenity Healing deal with genes?

What is the adoration ray?

What is the illumination ray?

What is the purification ray?

What is the most important thing I need to do for my physical body?

How do I choose an energy healer?

What are some common terms used in energy healing?

What is an easy and simple way to ground?

Why should I try to live more in the now?

What is the easiest way for me to learn how to meditate?

What happens energetically when I worry?

Why is self love so important?

What happens energetically when we meet someone new?

How does chakra orientation affect the way people relate to each other

What are the eight vibrational bands for Reiki?

How may I benefit from the Lightarian Clearing program?

What is the shadow tapestry and how may I release it?

What happens in the second level of the Lightarian clearing program?

What happens in a Lightarian attachment removal session?

What happens in a Lightarian lineage clearing session?

What happens in a Lightarian veil removal program?

Can I work on forgiving a deceased person?

How can you love yourself when you have lots of forgiveness issues?

What impact does forgiveness have?

How can I honor and respect my relationships?

How can I clear my energetic templates?

How can I learn how to muscle test myself?

How can I release bad things quickly?

Are energy healers psychic?

How can I clear my chakras, aura, meridians, curses and karma?

How would I benefit from receiving the Lightarian Rays?

How would I benefit from receiving the Lightarian Empowerment Ray?

How may I benefit from receiving the Lightarian Clearing Ray?

How would I benefit from receiving the Lightarian Healing Ray?

How would I benefit from receiving the Lightarian Activation Ray?

How would I benefit from receiving the Lightarian Manifestation Ray?

What happens in a Serenity Healing Angelic Rebirthing session?

How can I heal my inner child with Serenity Vibration Healing?

What is the crystalline body of light & how do I prepare to receive it

How can I get rid of curses, hexes and spells?

How do I release old contracts and covenants?

How do I clear, release and resolve my karma?

What the heck is a wedge?

How can I shield my home from negative energy?

How can I protect my car from negative energy?

How can I benefit from enhancing my DNA for the new world?

What are your experiences with Reiki systems, symbols and attunements?

What is Usui Reiki?

What is Karuna Reiki?

What are the KorManu healing energies?

What is Lightarian Reiki?

How do I work with the Reiki symbols after I am attuned for Reiki?

What is a Reiki power sandwich?

What is Sekhem Seichim Reiki?

What is ascension reiki?

How can I forgive myself and others?

How can I balance my physical body?

I was told by a psychic that my ex is in my aura and he constantly thinks of me. She also said by him being in my aura is detering the one from entering my life. Is that true?

how do we ask the angels 2 grant us what we want from them?

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